Our Team
Al Wanderligh is at the core of Socky Top, as it is his inspiration to create a fun and profitable sock retail shop. Al’s experience includes multiple business endeavors, including providing processing services to customers around the country and running a successful upscale vape shop for the past five years. He is well-versed in what it takes to build a successful business.
Chad Cunningham owns and runs multiple Bedr Mattress stores and has done so for several years. He is well-versed in customer service, high-end retail, team building, and marketing.
Christina Burnette is our third and final (but certainly not least) partner. Christina’s specialty is obtaining new and interesting products from vendors. She will be working one-on-one with our vendors to provide the very best and most interesting sock and sock-related products, as well as helping us maintain profitable price points.
And of course, Rocky, our mascot. We can’t forget him!